Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Dog Ate The WHAT!?

"Holy Orthodontist, Batman, the Murray's dog ate Mike's retainer."
"So what's the problem, Robin?"
"Mike's dental mold is packed somewhere...probably in storage, and no orthodontist in Bloomington, Indiana would help him out."
"Holy dental floss. What did they do?"
"Bam, splash, hooray, their old dentist in Omaha, NE helped them out."

Yep, the trials and trevails continue. We managed to see Kirk and his family in Iowa City for a day and a half. We arrived the evening of the 19th after picking up the repaired camper in Clarksville, IN. We found what we thought was a rather nice campsite about 15 miles from where the kids live. It rained the entire day and night on the 20th, which made for some nice mud. That wasn't bad enough, the campground has about a thousand Canada geese. Yep, lots of goose poop outside, inside, and all around the campsite. I now know why the Germans invented the "goose step." I was not the happiesst of campers...pun intended.

Kate stayed two nights in the camper with us, so we did manage to have some fun at the campsite, and loads of fun with the family. We had to head out on the 21st to Lincoln, NE so we could get up early and be in Omaha at the dentist's by 10:30. Dr. Skradski is a doll. We loved him when we lived in Omaha, and feel even stronger about him now. He worked us in, took the mold, and the retainer was being mailed to Mike's mom's house the same day. He's a terrific dentist and a great guy.

We will spend Christmas with our son, Kevin, and Mike's mom here in Lincoln, and hope to start heading south towards Arizona on Thursday, the 28th. We wish all of you a wonderful holiday season and a most remarkable New Year.

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